They are typically trained on concurrently with the approach position. R1 and R4 are final approach positions for conducting ASR approaches. R2/R3 are always combined and trained simultaneously. Training ProgressionThe typical training progression:ĬD and GC are typically combined and trained on simultaneously, but can be split if there is enough manning. Dyess AFB (DYS) in Abilene routinely sends C130's for tactical training in a non-radar area on the border of SJT and ABI approaches. There are several non-radar routes and areas in the airspace which are used often as well. T1's, TEX2's and T38's from nearby Laughlin AFB (DLF), as well as Vance AFB and Randolph AFB (RND) frequent the tower and radar patterns, as well as T45's and TEX2's from Corpus Christi NAS (NGP). STARS: Maintains safety while increasing cost-effectiveness at terminal facilities across the NAS Provides advanced functionalities for controllers, such as a flat-panel LED display and the ability to save controller workstation. SJT serves regional carriers, with a lot of military training aircraft. STARS is a single, state-of-the-art platform installed at TRACONs and their associated Air Traffic Control Towers. Abilene ( ABI) Approach shares a common boundary to the north. Overlying SJT airspace is split roughly by half on a Northeast-Southwest division by ZFW and ZHU: ZFW Abilene low to the north, Midland low to the west ZHU ? Low to the east, and Rocksprings Low to the south. There are a few uncontrolled satellites, but none noteworthy. San Angelo Approach's primary airport is the SJT, a class D FCT. There can be a significant amount of VFR traffic in the vicinity of MAF from flight schools and oil pipeline patrols, among other things. There are no SIDs or STARs for the airspace, and most traffic is fed direct to the field by ZFW. Worth and Houston, with Denver and Las Vegas being common routes as well. Air carrier traffic is primarily to/from Dallas-Ft. Aside from the military aircraft, MAF has several air carriers and a large amount of corporate traffic. T1's are the most common, but Army helicopter squadrons, TEX2's, T45's, T38's, C5's and others are normal operations as well. Midland frequently receives military aircraft conducting training, as well as a refueling stop. Although MAF has Midland and San Angelo Approaches, their airspace's do not touch a small gap between them is controlled by ZFW. The entirety of MAF Approach falls under ZFW: Midland Low sector borders most of the airspace, with Lubbock Low having a portion to the north. E11 is another uncontrolled field in which approach control service is provided, but it is not busy. Both are in close proximity to MAF and serve private commercial traffic and flight schools, which generate a fair amount of traffic. Midland's primary airport is MAF, with several uncontrolled satellites, including MDD, ODO. MAF has two separate approach controls: Midland Approach and San Angelo Approach. There are 4 operational positions: Clearance (CD), Ground (GC), Local (LC), and Coordinator (CC).Ĭlearance provides clearance delivery to MAF and also two uncontrolled satellite airports, Midland Airpark (MDD) and Odessa Schlemeyer (ODO). It provides the management center for flight operations, services, and movement control for the entire air installation complex.Operational InfoMidland International Air and Space port is a Class C airport with 4 runways two parallels and two crossing. Failure of employees to meet training requirements for or accept promotion to higher grade air traffic control specialist positions may constitute grounds for reassignment, demotion, or separation from employment. Air Operations Building (AOB), referred to as the Navy Air Operations Building the Air Force Airfield Management Operations (AMOPS) Building or the Army Airfield Headquarters Building/Airfield Operations Facility - Houses the central command, control, services, and management center of an air installation complex. At all trainee and developmental levels, employees must learn the skills needed for operation at higher levels of responsibility.Radar Approach Control Facility (RACF), referred to as the Army Radar Approach Control Facility (ARAC) the Navy Radar Air Traffic Control Facility (RATCF) or the Air Force Radar Approach Control Facility (RAPCON) – Enables the radar branch to provide radar ATC services to instrument flight rules (IFR) and visual flight rules (VFR) air traffic within assigned airspace.Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) – Houses equipment and personnel for control of aircraft approaching, departing, and transiting the terminal area or airport and aircraft and vehicular movement on the runways, taxiways and all other movement areas.This UFC contains guidance for Army, Navy and Air Force planners, engineers, and architects on the planning, engineering, and design of ATC and Air Operations Facilities, which include three facility types: