Talking Points won’t necessarily be for everyone - it helps to be a quick improviser and comfortable with speaking in front of a group - but if you’re in the right crowd, this game can be downright hysterical. Served with an absurd abstract mad-libbed by the other players, you must give a convincing and hilarious talk on the subject at hand, with illustrative slides and vocal prompts chosen in real-time by one of your competitors. Like that dream you keep having about giving an important presentation with no preparation, Jackbox Party Pack 7’s Talking Points requires you to give a presentation without preparation. I definitely voted for that answer though. Whether it’s deadpan sarcasm or the innest of in-jokes, this one’s always a hit with any group. I think they had just come from demo disk or something where they were making jokes about Dale Earnhardt and Princess Diana, so when they did the livestream for this (before demo disk was out) it just sounded like a lot of inside jokes, but they were funny nonetheless. The premise is simple - the game’s questionably charismatic host will serve you up a couple of prompts, like “What’s the biggest waste of time?” or “Something a friendly heckler would yell at a comedy show,” and it’s up to players to come up with their wittiest answers.
Quiplash is Cross-Buy with PS3 and also available for Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

Its easy to get excited when you see a new game from the makers of You Dont Know Jack, Fibbage, and Drawful. Debuting as a standalone title before taking off with Quiplash XL in Jackbox Party Pack 2, Quiplash has also featured on Party Packs 3 and 7. However, they also made Word Spud, so it makes you wonder where Quiplash lies on the spectrum.
Quiplash is the best known of all the Jackbox games. Ideas for Quiplash 3 prompts (Use any of them, you dont need permission) If you type in